We're Building a House in Nashville!

I’m so excited to share that we are building a home in Nashville! If y’all have followed us in the last few years you have known that our path after college was a bit different than others. If you’re new here, I’ll fill you in briefly.

Kollin and I met in middle school and dated off and on through high school. We got back together in college and dated long distance for 3 years while Kollin was in Colorado and I was in Kentucky. After college, we moved to Chicago for Kollin to attend law school, got married in 2019, and lived in Chicago for 5 years. We then decided during the Pandemic that we wanted to prioritize our ideal living situation in 2021 (you can read about that here - part two here) and made the choice to move to Nashville with the intention to buy a home. *Crazy housing market enters the chat*

With the market the way it was and wanting to make sure Nashville was our forever home, we decided to get an apartment. Fast forward another year and we still couldn’t compete with out-of-state, all-cash buyers and the stress that comes with a competitive market. That market had driven new build home prices way up and we couldn’t afford that route anymore - especially in an already escalated price point that is Nashville. We felt a bit stuck but remained faithful that the right time would come. We re-signed our lease and chose to just go with whatever was to come, which was very hard for me if I’m being honest. I’ve always been the type that needs a plan, that works through the details and understands all the options.

When that plan and how I thought our lives would look these last few years didn’t match reality, I felt pretty defeated. When would we be settled? I’d see friends and family buy homes, have kids, upgrade their kitchen, buy fixer-uppers and keep moving forward. I felt jealous, behind, and not good enough. When was it our turn? After some much-needed pep talks and validation from friends and family, I made the decision that 2022 was going to be the year of letting go. Keeping our faith in God’s plan and the patience we’d built over the last 2.5 years.

We canceled our travel plans for the month of January after a tough holiday season and focused on resetting our intentions and goals for the New Year. With some downtime and the understanding that our lease was up in June, I took another look at the market around Nashville and saw some promising homes listed for sale. We decided to start the search again. On a Thursday I shared a builder with Kollin I had seen a couple of times and we decided to book a meeting to see the development and area of town. We toured on Saturday, went back Sunday, and started the process of buying that following week. To say it went quickly would be an understatement! As first-time buyers, the learning curve was steep. With the help of family and many Google searches, we are under contract and our lot is currently being graded by the developer! We have a long way to go but are hoping to be move-in sometime in July or August.

All this to say, I know your path might be different or feel ‘behind’ compared to others. You might ask yourself when your turn is or why your path isn’t going the way you intended. But, like many things I’ve learned about life - it’ll happen when you’re not expecting it and might be faster than you planned. Your time is coming and you just have to keep going.

I can’t wait to share this process with y’all if you’re interested and am so excited to be creating our home in Nashville! Thank you so much for reading!