Reflecting on 2019
It’s interesting how much can change in 365 days, not to mention a decade. 10 years ago I was a sophomore in high school, begging to let my mom let me drive everywhere with my learner’s permit and attending high school football games every weekend. Fast forward a decade and I’m married to my high school sweetheart, with a corgi living in Chicago. From high school to college and sororities, traveling to Denver to see Kollin, losses in our families, marriages and babies, a lot has happened in the 2010s, a lot that I’m grateful for.
2019 was a great year, but no time of light is appreciated without its moments of darkness. Like everyone, we faced some hardships, tough decisions, lots of change and new beginnings. After a 2 year engagement, 2019 was the year we were getting married. The wedding started feeling real and a huge chapter of our relationship, being engaged, was coming to a close. All this while we both were figuring out our career, changes in lifestyle and what we wanted our next move to be.
Looking back at this past year, I’m so grateful for the experiences, the challenges, the growth and the memories we created. At the beginning of 2019 I wrote a blog post about the Pressures of a New Year. Reading it back, I can wholeheartedly say that I was in a different place than now. 2019 was a year of growth and trying to understand myself better. The year began with some confusion, second guessing and even fear of what was to come, but as new beginnings arose and the unknown filled with some light, it became one of the best years of our lives.
From ringing in the new year with my soon-to-be siblings, finding bridesmaids dresses during an annual girls trip, celebrating a huge milestone for Kollin and seeing him sworn in to the Bar Association, to all the wedding festivities of showers, the bachelorette, meetings and more, 2019 was jam packed. We traveled to Wisconsin, Denver, Kentucky, Florida, Minnesota, and of course, Italy. We had the best day ever on September 7, 2019 when we got married in front of so many special people in our lives and had the best time celebrating that night.
As I look back at 2019 and think of a word to describe it, growth comes to mind. We both grew in our careers, grew deeper friendships, took strides in our health and understanding of who we want to be and both grew into new families while making our own. But one thing I am very grateful for this past year is really understanding who I want to be, how to get there and what I can do to make those goals come to fruition. The blog has helped me a lot in that aspect because it is reflective in its own way. I’ve been able to write about topics I wouldn’t have before, became a long-term partner with some brands and reached a big goal of joining the RewardStyle program. While expressing my fashion style and sharing my thoughts here and there I was able to take on what I was posting about in the “new year” post. Fashion has always been an outlet for me and this year more than ever I really dove into the styles and clothes that I wanted to without any restrictions on what people might think, or being too afraid to try something new.
With some down time toward the end of the year I’ve added some pieces I’ve been loving below and the pieces that I loved wearing in 2019. Wishing you and your families a very Happy New Year, until 2020… xx
favorites from shein
use code 4tcbb for 15% off your order! Here are some of my favorite pieces right now!